索引号 | 001008003015033/2021-00053 | ||
组配分类 | 通知公告 | 发布机构 | 市外事办公室 |
成文日期 | 2021-04-14 | 公开方式 | 主动公开 |
在温外籍人士可以预约接种新冠疫苗了 | ||||||
根据浙江省防控办有关通知要求,温州市已启动在温外籍人士新冠疫苗预约接种工作。 一、接种人群。即日起,在温18岁及以上外籍人士(不含持旅游签证人员及外籍华人,外籍华人另行安排)可以根据“自愿申请、知情同意”原则,向有关部门提出新冠疫苗预约接种申请。 二、预约途径。有固定单位的外籍人士由单位汇总后,统一向所在地卫生健康部门预约;无固定单位的外籍人士报属地外办,统一汇总后报所在地卫生健康部门预约。 三、接种费用。已参加我市社会保障医疗保险的外籍人士,享受与其他参保中国公民同等待遇。未参保的外籍人士,需要自费接种,接种费用为200元/人。特殊就业、就学外籍人士优惠政策,按照国家相关部门统一政策执行。 四、携带证件。外籍人士预约报名时需提供有效证件信息,接种现场凭有效中华人民共和国永久居留身份证或护照及有效停居留证件接种疫苗。 五、签署材料。接种前,外籍人士需同步签署知情同意书和免责承诺书,做好个人防护,并主动报告健康状况(包括是否存在基础疾病、是否系新冠肺炎治愈患者等),由专业人员判定是否符合接种条件。 六、注意事项。接种完成后需在接种点留观区观察30分钟,无不适症状后才可离开;接种当日保持注射部位干燥并注意个人卫生,如果出现持续发烧或其他症状等现象,应及时就医并向接种单位报告。在温外籍人士新冠病毒疫苗疑似预防接种异常反应病例定点救治医院为温医大附一院、温医大附二院。 七、接种凭证。接种完成后,外籍人士可向接种点工作人员索取接种记录凭证。 八、接种后个人防控措施。接种疫苗后虽然可以产生免疫力,可以大大降低感染风险,但任何疫苗保护作用不可能100%,部分人接种后有可能不产生足够抗体,仍然会有感染风险,特别是在还没有建立免疫屏障的情况下。因此即使打完疫苗,也请外籍人士保持戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距离等良好习惯。 COVID-19 Vaccination is Available for Foreign Nationals in Wenzhou According to the relevant notification and requirements of Zhejiang Provincial COVID-19 Prevention and Control Office, COVID-19 Vaccination is available for foreign nationals in Wenzhou by making an appointment in advance. 1. Target population From this very day, foreign nationals at the age of 18 and above in Wenzhou (except for tourist visa holders and foreign Chinese, and foreign Chinese will be arranged separately) can make an appointment for COVID-19 Vaccination with relevant departments based on the principle of "voluntary application and informed consent". 2. The way of vaccination appointment Foreign nationals in Wenzhou who are eligible for taking vaccines may make the vaccination appointment through the following two ways: 1) if foreign nationals are employed, they can make the appointment through the employer, and their employer will collect all the information and book for its employees with the local health department; 2) if not, they can make the appointment through the local Foreign Affairs Office, and the FAO will collect all the information and book for them with the local health department. 3. Cost of vaccination Foreign nationals who have been covered by Wenzhou’s social medical insurance scheme may take vaccine free of charge by presenting due insurance document at the vaccination site, same as Chinese citizens. Those who have not should bear the cost of RMB 200 on their own. Preferential policies for foreign nationals in special employment and study shall be implemented in accordance with the unified policies of relevant departments. 4. Documents needed Foreign nationals should provide valid documents when making appointments and present valid foreign permanent resident ID card, passports or residence permits at the vaccination site. Please make sure that relevant documents are valid on the date of taking each dose. 5. Papers to sign Before inoculation, foreign nationals will be required to sign both a letter of informed consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks associated with vaccination. You should also take necessary precautions and inform the on-site medical professionals of your health condition (including but not limited to whether having underlying diseases and whether being a cured case of COVID-19 ) so that they can decide if you are suitable for inoculation or not. 6. Matters needing attention You should stay at the vaccination site for 30 minutes of observation after getting vaccinated, and may then leave if you have no adverse reaction. Keep the injection point dry on the day of vaccination and maintain personal hygiene. You should immediately seek medical help and alert the vaccine provider if you develop a persistent fever or other symptoms. The designated treatment hospitals for suspected cases of abnormal reaction to the vaccine for foreign nationals in Wenzhou are the 1st Affiliated Hospital and the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. 7. Vaccination certificate When completing the vaccination, you can get the COVID-19 vaccination certificate from the staff at the vaccination site. 8. Personal prevention and control measures after vaccination Vaccination will produce immunity from COVID-19 and greatly reduce infection risks. However, no vaccine is 100% effective; some people may have insufficient antibodies after taking vaccine and they can still be vulnerable to infection, especially when an immunologic barrier is not yet created. So it is important that you should wear masks, wash hands regularly, and keep social distance. 附件: 2. 各县(市、区)外办咨询电话一览表(Attachment 2: Hotlines of Foreign Affairs Offices (FAOs) in Wenzhou) 3. 接种新冠病毒疫苗免责承诺书(Attachment 3: Letter of Commitment on Receiving Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine) |